How to delete multiple photos on instagram by single click |delete all photos on instagram|[February 2021]:Everyone who has an Instagram account (more than a billion active users as of late 2018) has a photo feed, even if that feed is empty. But for most users there are dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of snaps that we’re sharing with the world, or just with our friends. Managing those pictures and videos can become an onerous task, even with the assistance of third-party apps. One common task that users run into problems with is the deletion of images. There are any number of reasons you might want to delete an Instagram picture; perhaps what seemed like a good idea at the time is, in the light of the morning, a terrible idea. Maybe you have a wardrobe malfunction. Perhaps you want to purge your account to clean up your image or because you’re going off the grid. One common reason for deleting all your photos is that there are many Instagram apps that let you plan and organize your feed, but those apps won’t let you edit your posts that are already in place. If you want to do a fresh start with one of those apps, you’ll need to wipe out everything on your account first.
Instagram makes it fairly easy to delete that individual images or videos that you change your mind about or didn’t mean to upload. I’ll discuss that in this article, and then I’ll go on to show you how to delete all of your Instagram pictures at once. Whatever your reasons, you have the power to make those photos go away, at least from the Instagram site and app. Please remember that if people have taken screen shots of your images, or saved the pictures to their own devices or cloud storage, there is nothing you can do to delete those pictures other than asking the person who has them to erase them.
How to delete all instagram photos in Android and IOS
For Android and iOS users, it’s very simple to delete all your Instagram pictures.
Here are the steps you have to follow to delete all your photos from Instagram.
Cleaner for Instagram (Android / iOS) is an app that allows you to unfollow people, block users, and mass deletes your photos. Here we are only concerned about deleting Instagram all photos with a single click.
There are many apps like this available but I’m recommending this one because of two reasons:
Reason #1 – It’s available on the PlayStore which means it’s safe to use.
Reason #2 – Many mass photo deleting apps don’t delete all photos as they promise to. This one deletes all Instagram photos easily.
The next step is to log in your Instagram account in the Cleaner for Instagram app.
Click on the Media tab to see your Photos
Once you log in the app, you’ll see this:
Click on the media tab at the middle bottom to go to your photos. Once you do this, you’ll be able to see all your Instagram photos.
Click on Quick Select and Select All
Click on the blue “Quick Select” button and you’ll see various selection options.
At the top is the Select All options. Click it to select all your photos on your Instagram profile
Delete all Instagram Photos with a single click
After selecting all your Instagram photos, click on the little blue lightning bolt button. You’ll see an option to delete photos
Click on this delete button and you’re done.
Wasn’t this simple? Imagine how long it would’ve have taken you if you deleted all your Instagram photos manually one by one.
This app makes everything so easy and fast that you can delete all your photos with a single click. You can use this app to delete your Instagram photos on Android and iOS (iPhone).